
Uniforms and dress code

The Beenyup Primary School uniform plays an essential role in promoting a sense of belonging, student pride, developing self-confidence and establishing a positive identity within the community. At Beenyup Primary, acceptance of enrolment denotes an agreement between the parent and the school that the student will dress in accordance with the school’s uniform policy. Every student is expected to comply with the uniform policy in the same way that they are expected to comply with all school policies.  The uniform policy includes the wearing of a hat throughout the year as our “No Hat - No Sun” policy will continue throughout the whole year. It is an expectation that students are dressed in uniforms that are neat, tidy and clean at all times.

To avoid any loss and inconvenience, all clothing should be labelled.

 When a student is out of uniform, they will need to report to the Office for a uniform pass. Students who receive more than 5 uniform passes during the term will be ineligible to attend our whole school reward play which is not an essential part of the educational program for students. 

 School Faction shirts can only be worn on Wednesdays (unless an excursion or special event has been scheduled) and for School Sports Carnivals.

 Parents who are unable to provide uniforms for their children because of financial stress or matters beyond their control, such as shortage of supply, will be supported by the school so that students concerned will not be disadvantaged.

 Uniforms are available for purchase online on the Uniform Concepts website: https://www.nellgray.com.au/

and can also be viewed / purchased in-store from the Jandakot store.

1/35 Biscayne Way Jandakot WA 6155

T: 08 9270 4650      E: jandakot@uc.nellgray.com.au   

Please note that the Uniform concepts have a lay-by option available and fittings can be conducted in store.

Beenyup Primary School Order Form

Dress Code Policy 

Uniform Board 2022