AVID stands for Advancement Via Individual Determination. AVID produces a shift in students’ expectations for themselves and then gives them the strategies they need to achieve these new expectations. AVID helps students to develop a growth mindset by encouraging them to set goals for themselves and it allows them to realise that their goals and achievements can be attained through their own work and determination. AVID begins in Kindergarten and takes students through to University and the workplace. It is designed to close the achievement gap, ensure all students have the option of going to university, and increase the chances for success in a global society. 

These student success skills are explicitly taught to students through the WICOR model. 

W - Writing

I - Inquiry

C - Collaboration

O - Organisation

R - Reading 

AVID strategies give students an opportunity to reflect on their own learning. It is a program that encompasses all aspects of education and learning both at school and at home. 


SHARP lines

As part of our whole school AVID approach, we move around the school in an orderly manner in SHARP lines. SHARP stands for:

Straight lines

Hands by side

Attention to the front

Respect to others

Personal space



As part of our whole school AVID approach, we use the term ‘SLANT’ to prompt students to focus when someone is speaking. SLANT stands for:

S Sit up

L Lean forward

A Ask questions

N Nod your head

T -Talk to the teachers

-Track your eyes

-Take notes